Our company was founded in 1989, as the first Hungarian sole proprietorship in the market research industry, and is to this day in exclusively Hungarian property. Our end-to-end market research services our guided by the principles of precision and reliability, on which we are not willing to compromise. We work with a scientific approach and tried-and-tested, professionally acknowledged methodology.
Median was founded by experts with decades of experience behind them, such as Mária Vásarhelyi, János Timár, Guy Lázár, and Endre Hann and László Beck, who are currently leading the company. Most of them worked at the state-owned Hungarian Institute of Public Opinion Research before the founding of our company. Their first survey conducted independently was at the time of Imre Nagy’s reburial in 1989. June 16th – a pivotal moment in the democratic transition of Hungary. This became the first nonpartisan political survey in Hungary after the end of the Communist Regime.
Median was founded 2 months later in August 1989, and has been since known for its precise election forecasts. We also launched WebAudit, the first reliable system measuring online traffic in the country. Accordingly, the company is constantly present in the public discourse, not only with regular forecasts related to political campaigns, but influencing market decisions, and conducting significant, large-scale B2B surveys for the corporate sector. Consequently, Median is not only a trustworthy source of information for public and economic bodies, but it is a reliable household name for the public, to the researches of which people are happy to respond.
In terms of the operations of Median, we define ourselves as a precise, cohesive professional community. We do not support clickbait, and low-standard research offered by big corporations. For the past 32 years, we have built our reputation around professional experience and accuracy. We do not know the word compromise when it comes to precise, scientific results.